The learner will use essential household items to set up their own store at home or in school. The learner will choose, sort, label, and price items to sell in their stores.
test checkbox: No
Learners will learn how to count between 21 to 30 and design their cat whiskers to grasp the concept of counting (forward & backward) and writing numbers 21 to 30.
test checkbox: No
The learners will make ID cards for themselves, their friends, or their family members to learn about their differences and similarities. Learners will practice their writing and fine motor skills and introduce new vocabulary.
test checkbox: No
Learners will make cards to play multiple games gaining a deeper sense of numbers, greater – lesser, addition – subtraction, sequences and patterns.
test checkbox: No
Learners will learn about shapes while using readily available examples within their homes and their bodies. Learners will also use their body parts to measure various things, learn about the need for standardized measurements, and use what they have learned to create geometric patterns.
test checkbox: No