Learners will learn how to tell time and create a weekly diary and a monthly calendar.
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Learners explore emotions and storytelling through interactive activities, including acting out scenes from a chosen story. They learn about emotion identification, character traits, setting exploration, prop usage, dialogue creation, and they act scenes before an audience.
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In this project, the learner will design a stadium and pitch for their home country to host the next FIFA World Cup!
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In this project, learners explore and experiment the ideas of space, depth, movement, and length through the arts. They will also learn about artistic and expressive techniques that are different from drawing or painting and involve understanding their bodies and the space they inhabit.
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Learners will understand how patterns help us make sense of the very complex world and transform information and data into meaning. Learners will visually represent different patterns around them.
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Learners will explore elements of storytelling including characters, plot, literacy techniques and creatively author their own wordless or illustrated books.
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Children will identify private body parts, recognize the difference between good and bad touch, and understand how to respond to bad touch.
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Learners will deepen their understanding of numbers between 1 and 10 and design their own bird to grasp the concept of counting (forward & backward) and writing numbers 11 to 20.
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The learner will explore the concept of chances and probability and learn how to calculate probability.
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Learners will record folk stories and songs that are part of their heritage and culture from the elders in the families. Learners will get a chance to retell this story after modernizing it into a book or an oral story.
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Learners will Explore many phenomena around them and reimagine their surroundings, professions, festivals, and even their ideal world. This project aims to foster a sense of wonder, self-discovery, and open-mindedness.
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Learners will make cards to play multiple games gaining a deeper sense of numbers, greater – lesser, addition – subtraction, sequences and patterns
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Learners will begin locating their place geographically in the larger world gradually zooming out from their home to the entire solar system to design a flip book
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Learners will explore the human body by labelling the body parts, exploring the five senses, doing some physical activity and observing some of our magical bodily functions.
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Learners will explore the theme of transportation with vehicles in the sea, land and air. Learners will explore how vehicles move and related regulations, before making their own dream vehicle
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Learners will explore the qualities of light and shadows. They will create their own shadow theatre by illustrating part of their story, illustrating and cutting their own puppets and setting up the stage
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Learners will develop their own alphabet book, thinking through categories, illustrating images and exploring diagraphs!
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Learners will get excited about poems, by beginning to explore different aspects of a poem including imagery, rhyming words, beat, and CVC words to make their own different poems
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The learner will have the opportunity to conduct science experiments to better understand the environment and present their learnings as a poster to convince their family to reduce – reuse- recycle.
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Learner will design their own number line game to get a better grasp of number sense and conduct simple addition and subtraction functions
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