Learners will understand how patterns help us make sense of the very complex world and transform information and data into meaning. Learners will visually represent different patterns around them.
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The learner will explore the concept of chances and probability and learn how to calculate probability.
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The learner will explore the concept of money as a medium of exchange and understand how it evolved over time. They will learn how is used as a medium of exchange and acquire activity-based knowledge on budgeting and money enterprising. They will design and create their own currency and use it to carry out transactions with their family and friends.
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Learners will explore some of the most frequent natural disasters by beginning to understand their causes and far-reaching effects. They will research the effect of the natural disaster on plants, animals and people, and design an emergency response kit including safety guides and disaster kits
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Learners will Explore many phenomena around them and reimagine their surroundings, professions, festivals, and even their ideal world. This project aims to foster a sense of wonder, self-discovery, and open-mindedness.
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Learners will begin to explore events in a timeline getting a deeper understanding of the calendar, time, cause and effect, tenses and sequencing. Learners will eventually write their own historical incident and depict that that in a sequence as a puzzle
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Learners will design their own country focusing on the geographical features and cultural features. They will then design and conduct a citizenship text for their first citizen!
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Learners will begin locating their place geographically in the larger world gradually zooming out from their home to the entire solar system to design a flip book
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Learners will explore the theme of transportation with vehicles in the sea, land and air. Learners will explore how vehicles move and related regulations, before making their own dream vehicle
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This project teaches the learner about the world and its diversity to help them develop tolerance toward other people and cultures.
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Learners will apply their general knowledge and design their own board game.
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Set up a meal for your family like a restaurant including planning the meal, cooking the meal and doing the decoration. Share the meal with the family!
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Understand the seasons, main changes in weather and how do we adapt to these changes
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Help your child discover their family’s history and learn about the different ways to look for information!
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