In this project, learners will understand how patterns help us make sense of the very complex world and transform information and data into meaning. Learners will visually represent different patterns around them.
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In this project, learners will explore how career choices are made, and will learn about traditional occupations in Qatar. They will also create a career journal to help them think about possible careers in the future!
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In this project, the learner will learn about similarities and differences of countries around the globe by exploring the concepts of travel and trade
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The learner will explore the concept of chances and probability and learn how to calculate probability.
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The learner will explore the concept of money and medium of exchange and understand how it has evolved over time, how money is used as a medium of exchange and create their own money. We will learn about the concepts of demand and supply as well as consumers and producers.
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Learners will explore some of the most frequent natural disasters by beginning to understand their causes and far-reaching effects. They will research the effect of the natural disaster on plants, animals and people, and design an emergency response kit including safety guides and disaster kits
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Learners will begin to explore historical events to understand the concept of timeline, cause and effect, and characters. Learners will eventually re-write the end to their own historical incident and depict that that in a sequence as a puzzle.
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Learners will design their own country focusing on the geographical features and cultural features. They will then design and conduct a citizenship text for their first citizen!
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Learners will begin locating their place geographically in the larger world gradually zooming out from their home to the entire solar system to design a flip book and then write a letter describing their world
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Learners will explore the theme of transportation with vehicles in the sea, land and air. Learners will explore how vehicles move and related regulations, before making their own dream vehicle.
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This project teaches the learner about the world and its diversity to help them develop tolerance toward other people and cultures.
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Learners will apply their geography knowledge about countries of the world and design their own board game. In the case that reference materials are not available, instead of countries – learners can work on cities or spaces of relevance in their own country for which family members are able to provide information.
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Set up a meal for your family like a restaurant including planning the meal, cooking the meal and doing the decoration. Share the meal with the family!
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Learners will begin to understand the way the Earth is designed as tectonic plates, how mountains form, what earthquakes are and how we respond to them!
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Family Tree Activity
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