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  • Lesson Plan
    • Subject: Science
    • Driving Question: What comprises the life cycle of a frog?
    • Pedagogical Method: Flipped Classroom
    • Grade Level: 2
    • Duration: 2 sessions
    • Delivery Method: Blended - Hybrid 
  • Flipped classroom is an innovative educational method that flips the traditional classroom model. It involves students accessing instructional materials, such as pre-recorded lectures or online resources, asynchronously. Synchronous time is then utilized for interactive discussions, collaboration, problem-solving, and personalized guidance from the teacher. By reversing the learning activities, students gain foundational knowledge independently and engage in active learning during face-to-face sessions, enhancing their understanding and critical thinking skills.
  • Students will be able to label and identify the life cycle of a frog.

  • Materials: laptops/tablets/Mobile phones/ notebook
  • Not available unless: You are logged in and your Email address is not empty

    Worksheet 1Worksheet 1
    Link 1
    Link 2
    Link 3
    Video 1

    • Identify the life cycle of a frog.
    • Label the process in the life cycle of a frog.
    • Define “life cycle” and its components.

    Keywords: metamorphosis, growth and change, life cycle, frog, froglet, tadpole  

    • Students are familiar with a sequence of events.
    • Students know what living things are.
    • Students are familiar with the life cycle of a plant.  

    1. Pre-Class Preparation: Assign students to watch Video 1 before the class session. Encourage them to take notes and actively engage with the content.

    2. Role-Playing Activity: After watching the video, instruct students to assume the role of "the teacher" and prepare to share key information from the lesson with their classmates. They should choose the most important points and think about how to effectively communicate them.

    3. Information Sharing: Utilize a messenger application or an online discussion platform for students to share their insights. Each student will take turns posting a summary of the information they learned as if they were the teacher. Encourage them to provide concise and clear explanations, supported by examples or relevant details.  Set a deadline by which students must complete their task and share their thoughts.

    4. Comment and Question Session: After each student shares their summary, instruct the rest of the class to read the posts and write comments or questions related to the presented information. Emphasize the importance of constructive feedback and thoughtful inquiries.

    5. Facilitator's Role: As the instructor, actively monitor the conversation and address any questions or comments posted by the students. Offer additional explanations, clarifications, or examples as necessary. Encourage a collaborative learning environment where students can help one another by providing insights and responding to each other's questions.

  • Have students answer the following questions in their Journal copybook:

    a) What is a “life cycle”?

    b) How many phases can you remember?

    c) Write down one question you would like to ask related to the offered concept.

    Have students complete a worksheet on Link 1 (to check understanding).

    As a form of formative assessment, send students Link 2 to be solved. 

    • Clearly outline deadlines, submission methods, and any specific guidelines students need to follow.
    • Provide immediate feedback or model answers to help them self-correct and learn from their mistakes.
    • Regularly check in with students to provide support, answer questions, and monitor their progress.

  • Share Worksheet 1 with the students and label each stage together as a class on the messenger application. Then, share Link 3 with the students to work on independently. Use Link 3 to assess students’ understanding.

    Tip: Individual feedback and encouragement go a long way in asynchronous learning.

    1. Defining "Metamorphosis": Begin the lesson by introducing the concept of "metamorphosis" to the students. Provide a clear definition yourself, and then encourage each student to independently come up with their own definition of the term. Afterward, facilitate a brief class discussion where students can share and compare their definitions, allowing for clarification and refinement.

    2. Animal Life Cycle Research: Next, guide students in selecting an animal of their choice to study its life cycle. Encourage them to choose an animal that genuinely interests them, as this will foster greater engagement in the research process. 

    3. Journal Writing: Instruct students to maintain a journal where they document their research findings and observations about their selected animal's life cycle. They should include key stages, significant transformations, and any other noteworthy details. 

    4. Sharing with the Class: If time permits, allocate a portion of a class session for students to share their research and findings with their classmates. Each student can take turns presenting their chosen animal's life cycle to the class. Encourage them to use visual aids, such as slides or posters, to support their presentations. Allow for questions and comments from their peers to foster a collaborative learning environment.

    5. Follow-up Discussion: Conclude the activity with a class discussion to highlight commonalities and differences among the various life cycles presented. Explore connections between different animals and their adaptations. Encourage students to reflect on what they learned from the research process and the importance of understanding life cycles in the natural world.