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  • Lesson Plan

    • Subject: Math
    • Driving Question: How do we identify 3D shapes?
    • Pedagogical Method: Kinesthetic Learning
    • Grade Level: 2, 3
    • Duration: 70 minutes
    • Delivery Method: Synchronous  
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  • Students will learn to distinguish between 2D and 3D shapes and their characteristics. 

  • ● Materials: laptops/tablets/Mobile phones/toothpicks and blue-tag + index card/paper/copybook 
    Also find attached the necessary resources in the Files section

  • Link 1 Link 2 Link 3Link 4 Video 1 Work sheet 1 Test 1

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    • Find examples of 3D shapes in the environment.
    • Describe the properties of 3D shapes using the keywords: faces, edges, and vertices.
    • Explain how a 3D shape is composed. 

    Keywords: cube, sphere, cone, pyramid, cylinder, face, edge, corner, vertex

    • Students should know 2D shapes and the differences/similarities between 2D and 3D shapes.
    • Students should be able to create 2D shapes and some 3D shapes with paper or other materials.  

  • Download the PowerPoints from Link 1 and Link 2, share them with the class, and share the title of the lesson and its objectives. Play Video 1 asking the students to stand up, clap, and use their bodies to model the shapes they see in the video.

    After that, the students go on a scavenger hunt at home looking for 2D and 3D shapes. Have them show the items collected on the cameras and volunteer to name the shapes collected aloud.

  • Connect the examples the students shared to the shapes in the PowerPoints while also showing pictures of objects like a ball (sphere), Pepsi can (cylinder), a box (cube), etc. After that, ask them questions to make them think about how they can describe these shapes (prompting words: faces, edges, and vertices) 


    The cylinder has 2 flat faces, one curved surface, and no edges or corners.

    The cube has 6 faces, 12 edges, and 8 vertices. 

    Using toothpicks and blue-tag, each student creates a 3D shape and write on an index card or copybook how many faces, edges, and vertices it has.

    To check for understanding, in breakout rooms, have each pair showcases their creation. When student A shows his/her 3D shape, it is student B’s role to describe it by stating the number of faces, edges and vertices. Student A confirms or corrects (peer feedback)

  • Project Link 3 and ask students to choose 1 to trace. Once traced, have each student cut out his/her net and fold it to form a 3D shape. Have them take turns sharing their shapes and describing them.

    To check for understanding, have students do the formative assessment (Worksheet 1). 

  • Go over the PowerPoints again emphasizing the name of each 3D shape and its properties.

    For homework, have students visit Link 4 to review the lesson and practice using online sheets.

    For a final assessment, use Test 1.